Philodina rugosa var. 4, creeping (young??) specimen. (1) |
Philodina rugosa var. 4, whirling specimen. (1) |
Philodina rugosa var. 4, two aspects of the integument of the same (compressed) specimen. Upper image: dorsal view, lower image: ventral view. (2) |
Philodina rugosa var. 4, integument of a young specimen; optical transect of the periphery showing the layer of the granules. This crop is equivalent to the frame in the image above. |
Philodina rugosa var. 4, posterior part integument of an older specimen treated with SDS for maceration. In contrast to younger specimens the granules remove from the integument so that the pores become visible. (1) |
Philodina rugosa var. 4, ramate trophi. In contrast to the dental formulas (DF) of this species in the literature (which is for all morphotypes ≥ 3/3) the DF of this morphotype is 2+1/1+2. The trophi of specimens with different size (measured by total length (TL) have approx. the same trophi size (measured by ramus length (RaL)). Left image: trophi of specimen with TL of xxxµm: Ramus length (RaL): 16µm (1). Right image: trophi of specimen with TL of xxxµm: Ramus length (RaL): 16µm (1). (images not to scale). |
Location: Arendal, Norway (1); |
Habitat: moss (sample A21a)(1); |
Date: 09.09.2021 (1); img: 04.11.2021 (1); 05.11.2021 (2) |